Snapshot helps Salesforce admins tame out-of-control orgs
This includes Salesforce org management, optimization, and maintenance. As Salesforce orgs becomes more complex and unruly, you can rely on Snapshot to help put things back in order.
Cloning a Salesforce org, splitting an org in two, or merging multiple orgs can be challenging. Snapshot simplifies this task by analyzing org structure, performing org comparisons, deploying metadata assets, and then migrating relational data.
Salesforce orgs can become extremely complex over time because of corporate mergers and acquisitions, poor change and release management practices, and failed development projects. Snapshot solves this problem by analyzing and removing technical debt from any Salesforce org.
Snapshot covers all 300 Metadata types, including fields, picklists, email templates, groups, profiles, roles, reports, and more. Getting these assets under control will help Salesforce run more efficiently and result in lower costs, better user adoption, and faster delivery of mission-critical applications.
Inactive users can be connected to a Salesforce org in over 50 different ways. Snapshot automates the task of cleaning up all of these problematic connections to inactive users. This helps improve security, compliance, and org agility.
Certain custom fields in a Salesforce account are more useful than others. Some are rarely used, others not at all. Snapshot helps to identify and eliminate unnecessary, unused fields, helping Salesforce run much more efficiently.
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